بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
The Fiqh of Fasting
from Sheikh al-Islam's
Tahrir Tanqih al-Lubab
The conditions and integrals of fasting
The conditions for the validity of fasting (c: are four);
3.Purity from menstruation and the like
4.To know that the time for fasting has entered
The conditions for the obligation of fasting (c: are three);
2.To be legally responsible
3.To be able to bear the fast
The integrals of fasting (c: are three);
1.The nightly intention
2.The fasting person
3.To avoid everything which nullifies the fast
Types of fasts
All fasts are (c: of four types);
The obligatory fast is of three types;
1.That fast which must be in succession. This type consists of: fasting Ramadhan, the expiation for dhihar, murder, and intentional intercourse during a day of Ramadhan.
2.That fast which must be separated. This type consists of: fasting(t: as an expiation ) for those performing the 'Umrah first or Hajj and 'Umrah simultaneously, missing a Hajj rite, leaving out a necessary rite, and expiating for a vow in which separation is a prerequisite.
3.That fast which can either be in succession or separated. This type consists of: making up a fast of Ramadhan, expiating for intercourse performed in a state of Ihram, expiating for an oath, or expiating for shaving, hunting, cutting down a tree, wearing a sewn garment, applying perfume, being prevented from completing the integrals of Hajj or 'Umrah after having entered Ihram, and trimming the nails or oiling the hair of the head or beard in a state of Ihram.
The supererogatory fasts are many, the most emphasized are fifteen;
1.on Monday
2.on Thursday
3.during the 1st ten days of Muharram
4.during the inviolable months
5.on the day of 'Arafah
6.on the 9th of Dhul Hijjah
7.on the 9th of Muharram
8.on the 10th of Muharram
9.to fast every other day
10.to fast every two days
11. to fast a day when one does not find anything available to eat
12. to fast the month of Sha'ban
13. during the 1st six days of Shawwal
14. on the full moon days and the two days that follow it
15. on the 28th and the following days of each month
The disliked fasts include:
1.the fast of a sick person, traveler, pregnant woman, nursing woman or an old person who fears a severe difficulty.
2.the supererogatory fast of a person who has obligatory make up fasts.
3.singling out the fast of Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
4.to fast everyday of the year, if one fears some harm from doing so.
The unlawful fasts include:
1.fasting on the two 'Eids
2.fasting on the three days following 'Eid al-Adha
3.the fast of a menstruating woman or a woman with postnatal bleeding.
4.fasting on the day of uncertainty without a reason
5.fasting during the second half of Sha'ban except when one joins the fast with the fasts one has been performing prior to mid-Sha'ban or when one fasts during it for some reason, such as a make up or when it coincides with the days one habitually fasts, in such cases it is not unlawful.
Things that nullify the fast
Things that nullify the fast include:
1.something perceptible reaching the body cavity, even if it be an injection or the water from rinsing the mouth and nose due to exaggerating in the act.
2.vomiting intentionally
3.ejaculation--except when it occurs while asleep--by looking or by fantasizing
4.intentional intercourse when one does it willingly and knows it is unlawful.
(portion left untranslated)
Expiating for a fast
It is obligatory for the person who nullified their fast through deliberate intercourse to pay an expiation in addition to making up the nullified fast. It is obligatory to refrain from all things that nullify the fast for someone who;
1.sinfully vitiated their fast
2.forgot to make the nightly intention,
3.ate thinking that dawn has not yet appeared
4.ate thinking that the sun has set and it becomes clear that it has not
5.learns that the 1st day of Ramadhan entered on the 30th of Sha'ban
6.or when water reaches the body cavity through exaggerating when rinsing the mouth and nose.
Nullifying the fast during Ramadhan
Nullifying the fast during Ramadhan is (c: of six) types;
1.Obligatory- with the obligation of a make up,this is for the woman with menstruation or postnatal bleeding.
2.Permissible- with the obligation of a make up. This is for the sick person and traveler who may shorten their prayer.
An expiation in addition to a make up are obligatory upon (c: two);
1.a person who broke the fast out of fear for someone else.
2.A person who delayed making up a missed fast of Ramadhan until the next Ramadhan comes.
An expiation alone is obligatory upon an old perso; a make up alone is obligatory upon an unconscious person and the like. As for an insane person, neither a make up nor an expiation is due upon him.
What is disliked while fasting
The disliked acts while fasting are (c: ten):
1.verbal abuse
2.to delay breaking one's fast
3.to chew gum
4.to taste food
5.to perform cupping
6.to have cupping performed
7.kissing which does not induce desire
8.to enter a bath house
9.to use the toothstick after noon
10. to look at something permissible with desire
Things which reach the body cavity but do not break the fast
Things which reach the body cavity but do not break the fast include;
1.something which reaches the body cavity either forgetfully, being ignorant that such a thing nullifies the fast or out of coercion.
2.something which reaches the body cavity along with saliva and one is unable to spit it out.
3.dust from the street or flour from sieving
4.a fly and the like reaching the body cavity
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