1.al-Risalah:authored by Imam Muhammad ibn Idris al-Shafi'i(d.204). The Risalah that we have today is al-Risalat al-Jadidah which al-Shafi'i authored in Egypt before his demise. The work has been published in various editions,though the most famous and best edition is the print that Ustadh Ahmad Shakir edited.
2. al-Tabsirah fi Usul al-Fiqh:authored by Imam Abu Ishaq al-Shirazi(d.476). The work was published by Dar al-Fikr in 1980 along with Dr.Hasan Hitou's tahqiq which was his doctoral thesis submitted to al-Azhar.
3. al-Luma':authored by al-Shirazi in which he summarized the above work al-Tabsirah. The work was published by Dar ibn Kathir in 1995 along with Muhyi al-Din Mastu and Yusuf Badawi's tahqiq.
4. Sharh al-Luma':authored by al-Shirazi himself and published by Dar al-Gharb al-Islami in 1988 with the tahqiq of Dr.'Abd al-Majid Turki.
Sheikh Yasin al-Fadani commented on al-Luma' in his Bughyat al-Mushtaq which has been published by Mu'assas al-Risalah with the late Dr.Mustafa al-Khinn's tahqiq. The work was also commented upon by the contemporary Javanese scholar Sheikh Sahl Mahfudh.
5. al-Burhan: authored by Imam al-Haramayn al-Juwayni(d.478)and published by Dar al-Wafa',4th edition,in 1418(h.)with Dr.'Abd al-Adhim al-Dib's tahqiq.
6. al-Talkhis:authored by al-Juwayni and published by Dar al-Basha'ir in 1996 with Dr.'Abd Allah al-Naybali.
7. al-Waraqat: authored by al-Juwayni. It is the shortest abridged work in the science of usul. It's wording is packed with meaning and beneficial usuli points.
8. al-Mankhul:authored by Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali(d.505)in which he abridged al-Juwayni's al-Burhan. The work was published by Dar al-Fikr in 1998 (3rd edition) with Dr.Hitou's tahqiq.
9. Shafa' al-Ghalil:by al-Ghazali and published by Matba' al-Irshad in 1971 with Dr.al-Kubaisi's tahqiq.
10. al-Mustasfa:by al-Ghazali and published by Mu'assas al-Risalah in 1997 with Dr.Muhammad Sulayman al-Ashqar's tahqiq.
11. Asas al-Qiyas:by al-Ghazali and published by al-'Obeikan in 1993 with Dr.Fahd al-Sarhan's tahqiq.
12. al-Wusul ila al-Usul:by Imam Sharaf al-Din bin 'Ali, also known as Ibn Barhan al-Baghdadi(d.518). This work was heavily influenced by al-Juwayni's al-Burhan and was published by in two volumes by Maktab al-Ma'arif in Riyadh(1983)with Dr.'Abd al-Hamid 'Ali's tahqiq.
13. al-Mahsul fi-'Ilm al-Usul:by Imam Fakhr al-Din al-Razi(d.606). al-Mahsul is considered to be an encyclopedia of Usul al-Fiqh. The work was published by Imam Sa'ud University(1979)with Dr.Taha Jabir al-'Alwani's tahqiq. al-Mahsul was published a second time in 1999 by al-Maktab al-'Asriyyah.
14. al-Ma'alim:by al-Razi, published by Dar 'alim al-Ma'rifah in 1993 with 'Adil 'Abd al-Mawjud's tahqiq.
15. al-Kashif 'an Usul al-Dala'il wa Fusul al-'Ilal:by al-Razi, first published by Dar al-Jalil in 1992 with Dr.Ahmad Hijazi's tahqiq.
16. al-Tanqih:by al-Tabrizi(d.621). The work is an abridgment of al-Razi's Mahsul and was edited by Dr.Hamza Zuhayr Hafidh as part of his doctoral thesis submitted to Umm al-Qura in 1402.h.
17. al-Ihkam fi Usul al-Ahkam:authored by Imam Sayf al-Din al-Amidi(d.631). This work was published by Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyyah with Ustadh Ibrahim al-'Ajuz's tahqiq.
18. al-Hasil:authored by the pupil of Imam al-Razi, Imam Taj al-Din al-Armawi(d.653). al-Hasil is an abridgment of al-Razi's Mahsul and was published by the University of Qaryounis in Libya(1994)with Dr.'Abd al-Salam Abu Naji's tahqiq.
19. al-Muhaqqaq fi 'Ilm al-Usul fi-ma yata'allaqu bi-Af'al al-Rasul:authored by Imam Abu Shamah al-Maqdisi(d.665). The work was published in 1988 by Mu'assas Qurtuba with Ustadh Ahmad al-Kuwaiti's tahqiq.
20. al-Tahsil fi 'Ilm Usul al-Fiqh: by Imam Siraj al-Din al-Armawi(d.682) in which he abridged al-Razi's Mahsul. The work was published by Mu'assas al-Risalah in 1988 with Dr.'Abd al-Hamid Abu Zunayd's tahqiq.
21. Minhaj al-Wusul ila 'Ilm al-Usul: authored by Qadhi Nasir al-Din al-Baydhawi(d.685). The Minhaj is considered to be one of the most important abridged works in the science of usul for the Shafi'is.
22. al-Kashif 'an al-Mahsul:authored by Imam Shams al-Din al-Asfahani(d.688). This work is a commentary of Razi's Mahsul and it was published in 1998 by Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyyah with 'Adil 'Abd al-Majid's tahqiq.
23. Mi'raj al-Minhaj sharh Minhaj al-Wusul:authored by Imam Shams al-Din al-Jazari(d.711). Mi'raj is a commentary of Baydhawi's Minhaj,Dr.Sha'ban Muhammad Isma'il edited this work for his doctoral thesis submitted to al-Azhar in 1975.This work was published with the aforementioned tahqiq in 1993 by Matba'al-Husayn in Cairo.
24. Niyahat al-Wusul fi Dirayat al-Usul:authored by Imam Safi al-Din al-Hindi(d.715). The work was published in 1996 by al-Maktabat al-Tijariyah with Dr.Salih al-Yusuf and Dr.S'ad bin Salim's tahqiq.
25. al-Siraj al-Wahhaj fi sharh al-Minhaj:authored by Imam Fakhr al-Din al-Jarabardi(d.746). al-Siraj is another commentary of Baydhawi's Minhaj and was published by Dar al-Mi'raj al-Dawliyah in 1998(2nd edition)with Dr.Akram bin Muhammad bin Husayn's tahqiq.
26. Sharh al-Minhaj fi 'Ilm al-Usul:authored by Imam Shams al-Din Mahmud al-Asfahani(d.749). Another commentary on Baydhawi's work, published in 1410.h by Maktabat al-Rushd in Riyadh with Dr.'Abd al-Karim al-Namlah's tahqiq.
27. Talqih al-Fahum fi tanqih siyagh al-'umum: authored by Imam Salah al-Din al-'Ala'i(d.761) and published in Saudi Arabia in 1983 with Dr.'Abd Allah Ali al-Shaykh's tahqiq.
28. Tahqiq al-Murad fi anna al-nahiy yaqtadhi al-fasad: by al-'Ala'i,published by Dar al-Fikr in 1982 with Dr.Ibrahim Muhammad Salqini's tahqiq.
29. al-Ibhaj fi sharh al-Minhaj:authored by Imam Taqi al-Din al-Subki(d.756)and completed by his son Taj al-Din(d.771).al-Ibhaj is considered to be one of the most important commentaries upon Baydhawi's work. Maktabat al-Azhariyah published this work in 1981 with Dr.Sha'ban Muhammad Isma'il's tahqiq.
30. Raf' al-Hajib 'an Mukhtasar Ibn al-Hajib:by Imam Taj al-Din al-Subki. Subki's work is a commentary upon Ibn al-Hajib's(d.646)famous mukhtasar Muntaha al-Sul wa al-Amal. Raf' al-Hajib was first published in 2000 by Dar 'Alam al-Kutub along with 'Adil 'Abd al-Majid's tahqiq.
31. Jam' al-Jawami':by Imam Taj al-Din al-Subki. Jam' al-Jawami' is considered to be among the most famous works in Shafi'i usul. The work's content is full of meaning and for this reason many commentaries and glosses have been written on Jam' al-Jawami'.
32. Nihayat al-Sul fi sharh Minhaj al-Usul:authored by Imam Jamal al-Din al-Isnawi(d.772). Nihayat al-Sul is among the most famous commentaries of Baydhawi's work. The work was published along with Sheikh Muhammad al-Muti'i's hashiyah by Dar 'Alam al-Kutub in 1982.
33. al-Bahr al-Muhit fi Usul al-Fiqh:authored by Imam Badr al-Din al-Zarkashi(d.794). al-Bahr al-Muhit is an encyclopedia of usul in which al-Zarkashi presented many views of the usuliyyin. al-Bahr was published a number of times, the newest edition was published by Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyyah in 2000 with Ustadh Muhammad Tamir's tahqiq.
See pages 563-573 of al-Madkhal ila Madhhab al-Imam al-Shafi'i by Dr.Akram Yusuf al-Qawasimi.