In the name of Allah,Most Merciful, Most Compassionate
All praise belongs to Allah who guided us to this, surely we would not have been guided if it wasn't for Allah guiding us. Prayers and peace upon Muhammad, His family and companions, the victorious through Allah's elevation.
To commence;
This is a an abridged text according to the Fiqh of the Madhhab of Imam al-Shafi'i, may Allah have mercy on him and be well pleased with him, in which I have abridged the text of Imam Abu Zakariyya al-Nawawi entitled Minhaj al-Talibin. I have added what simplifies and replaced the non-Mu'tamad views with Mu'tamad views through clarifying expressions. I have omitted differences of opinion so as to simplify it for those desirous. I have named it Manhaj al-Tullab, hoping that Allah benefits the intelligent by it. I ask Allah for success in what is correct and for victory on the last day.
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