Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Meaning of the Imperative Mood in Usul al-Fiqh

      When a command is mentioned without evidence signifying its intent, the imperative mood can carry fifteen possible meanings. The command can:

1. الوجوب-Make something an obligation: “Establish prayer”(Surat al-Baqarah 43).

2. الندب-Recommend something to be done: “And those who seek a written contract [of emancipation], from among those whom your right hand owns, of male slaves and female slaves, contract with them accordingly, if you know in them any good” (Surat al- Nur 33).
3. الارشاد-Advise and guide towards an act: “And summon to bear witness two men from among you” (Surat al-Baqarah 282). The meaning here being similar to a recommendation, in that both seek the attainment of welfare, except that al-nadb is for an interest in the hereafter, and al-irshad is for a worldly benefit.

4. الاباحة-Indicate the permissibility of something: “And go out to hunt”(Surat al-Ma’idah 2).

5. التأديب-Refine and discipline: “Eat from what is in front of you” (Bukhari).

6. الامتنان والاكرام-Bestow blessings and honor : “Eat from what Allah has provided for you” (Surat al-Ma’idah 88), and “Enter paradise in peace” (Surat al-Hajar 46).

7. التهديد-Threaten: “Do as you wish” (Surat al-Fussilat 40).

8. الانذار-warn: “ Enjoy!, this world of yours for a short time. For lo! your journey’s end, your return, shall be to the Fire!’”(Surat Ibrahim 30). Close to a threat in meaning, a warning differs in two aspects:

a. A warning must coincide with a punishment; a threat can either be mentioned with a punishment or not.

b. The act that one has been threatened about must outwardly appear to be unlawful or invalid. An act that one has been warned about can appear to be unlawful or invalid or it may not appear to be so (al-Bahr al-Muhit 2/358-359).

9. التسخير-Ridicule and subjugate: “ Be apes, despised!’” (Surat al-Baqarah 65).

10. التعجيز-Make something impossible: “ Be stones or iron” (Surat al-Isra’ 50).

11. الاهانة-Humiliate: “ Taste!, that is, [taste] the chastisement. Indeed you are the mighty, the noble one”(Surat al-Dukhan 49).

12. التسوية-Make two things equal: “ Endure, it, or do not endure, your endurance and your anguish, will be the same”(Surat al-Tur 16).

13. الدعاء-Supplication: “Forgive me.”

14. التمني-Voice a desire or wish: “O long night, disappear.”

15. كمال القدرة-Show absolute power and ability: “ Be, and it is” (Surat Yasin 82).

      Some author, such as al-Subki in Jam’ al-Jawami, list twenty six possible meanings of the imperative mood. While al-Zarkashi lists some thirty-odd possible meanings in al-Bahr al-Muhit.

     The soundest-view, according to al-Amidi is that the command only has a literal implication when the meaning is a clear demand or request. In all other cases, the command is entirely metaphorical (al-Ihkam 2/176).

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